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- Agricultural producers 4C | Agrotec
We provide analyzes essential for agricultural nutrient management programs Scientific Principles of 4C Agricultural Framework The technical principles are the same globally, but how they are used locally varies depending on field and site-specific characteristics, such as soil, cropping system, management techniques, and climate. We contact you C orrect source It matches the type of fertilizer with the needs of the crop. C orrect rate Matches the amount of fertilizer type the crop needs. C orrect moment It makes nutrients available when crops need them. C orrect place Keep nutrients available where crops can use them. Code Analysis Title Detail Description
- Análisis de Agua de Piscina | Agrotec Laboratorios Analítico | Costa Rica
Pool Water Analysis Ensure swimming pool water safety with professional services and quality analysis Free Consultation Accurate and Comprehensive Analysis to Ensure Safe and Healthy Water Call Us Today: +506 4040-0390 | Email Us: Our team of professionals ensures that you comply with all legal requirements for sampling, analysis and reporting; compliance withSwimming Pool Management Regulations (Decree No. 35309-S) We contact you AQT-2110 Análisis mensual físico químico y biológico de agua de piscinas (CR Decreto 35309-S) Detalle Paquete Analítico del Reglamento sobre Manejo de Piscinas del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, Decreto 35309-S donde establece los parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos para el agua de piscinas de uso público, uso residencial, y piscina de uso de grupos habitacionales. ———— Los parámetros: pH*, cloro residual, cloro combinado, turbiedad*, conductividad*, amoniaco*, nitrato**, aluminio* (A), cobre* (B), cianuro (C)**, recuento aerobio total*, coliformes fecales*, E coli*, dureza total*. Nota: Solo se incluye en este análisis un único análisis de: (A) tratamiento con sulfato de aluminio, (B) tratamiento con sulfato de cobre, (C) tratamiento acido isocianúrico, solo uno de estos parámetros dependiendo del desinfectante utilizado ———— Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". "Método modificado a partir de Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater : (Nitrato)" "Método modificado a partir de ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology: Amoníaco" AQT-2120 Análisis bimensual de parámetros biológicos en piscinas (CR Decreto 35309-S) Detalle Análisis bimensual de parámetros biológicos en piscinas establecidos de acuerdo con el Reglamento sobre Manejo de Piscinas del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, Decreto 35309-S donde establece los parámetros microbiológicos para el agua de piscinas de uso público, uso residencial, y piscina de uso de grupos habitacionales. ———— Los parámetros: Staphylococus aureaus**, Pseudomonas aeruginosa*, Estreptococos fecales**. ———— Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". AQT-0040 Cloro residual Detalle AQT-0050 Cloro residual combinado Detalle AQT-0160 Dureza* Detalle AQT-0270 Nitrógeno de nitratos Detalle AQT-0090 Conductividad Detalle AQT-0470 Turbiedad* Detalle AguaPiscina
- Ensayos Contaminantes Ambientales | Agrotec Laboratorios Analíticos | Costa Rica
Analysis of environmental contaminants Agrotec Analytical Laboratories is an ISO 17025 accredited testing laboratory that offers one of the most complete pesticide residue testing and analysis services in Central America. Using state-of-the-art analytical equipment, Agrotec performs pesticide residue analysis quickly and accurately. Implicit in the cost of service is access to our team of experts and laboratory personnel who have many years of experience interpreting pesticide residue results and addressing problems that may occur. From annual samples for certification purposes to routine samples for export compliance, Agrotec is the best laboratory of choice for pesticide residue analysis. Analysis Groups Agricultural analyzes Pesticide residue analysis Analysis of environmental contaminants Agricultural extension services investigation services Environmental engineering services Sampling services Inter-laboratory analysis
- Análisis de Agua Potable | Agrotec Laboratorios Analíticos | Costa Rica
Drinking Water Analysis Ensure the Quality of Your Drinking Water with Our Professional Services Free Consultation Accurate and Comprehensive Analysis to Ensure Safe and Healthy Water Call Us Today: +506 4040-0390 | Email Us: Our team of professionals ensures that you comply with all legal requirements for sampling, analysis and reporting; compliance withRegulation for the Quality of Drinking Water (Decree No. 38924-S) We contact you AQT-2000 Análisis completo de agua potable N1, N2, N3. Detalle Paquete Analítico del Reglamento para la Calidad del Agua Potable del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, Decreto 38924-S donde establece los parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos para el agua potable; Nivel Primero (N1), Nivel Segundo (N2) y Nivel Tercero (N3) que corresponde al análisis completo. ——————————————— Parámetros AQT-2000 (N1): Color aparente*, turbidez*, olor*, temperatura*, concentración de iones hidrógeno (pH)*, conductividad eléctrica*, cloro residual libre*, cloro residual y combinado*, coliformes fecales y Escherichia coli. (N2): Dureza total*, cloruro*, fluoruro*, sulfato**, aluminio*, calcio*, magnesio*, sodio*, potasio*, hierro*, manganeso*, zinc*, cobre*. (N3): Nitrato**, nitrito*, amonio*, arsénico*, cadmio*, cromo*, níquel*, antimonio*, mercurio**, plomo*, selenio*. ——————————————— Métodos de referencia: "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". "Métodos modificados a partir de Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater : (Cloro Libre y Total, Color, Nitrato, Nitritos Fluoruro, Sulfato)" "Métodos modificados a partir de ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology: (Amonio)" AQT-2025 Control operativo - reglamento para la calidad del agua potable (CR Decreto 38924-S) Detalle Mediciones periódicas que le corresponde a los entes operadores en cada fuente o en la mezcla de todas las fuentes y red de distribución. Debe llevar el control mediante una bitácora. Los valores de alerta y máximos admisibles se indican en el cuadro 1 del anexo 1 del decreto 38924-S. La frecuencia de muestreo y número de muestras a recolectar para los análisis físico-químicos, se indican en el cuadro B.1 del anexo 2 del mismo reglamento. ———— Los parámetros: turbiedad*, olor*, cloro residual (libre o total)* ———— Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". "Método modificado a partir de Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater : (Cloro libre y total)" AQT-2030 Programa control básico - Nivel 1 reglamento para la calidad del agua potable (CR Decreto 38924-S) Detalle Paquete Analítico del Reglamento para la Calidad del Agua Potable del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, Decreto 38924-S donde establece los parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos para el agua potable; Nivel Primero (N1) que corresponde al programa de control básico ———— Los parámetros: color *, conductividad*, pH*, olor*, temperatura*, turbiedad*, coliformes fecales*, Escherichia coli*, y Cloro residual libre o combinado*. ———— Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". "Método modificado a partir de Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater : (Cloro libre y total)" AQT-2045 Programa control ampliado - Nivel 2 reglamento para la calidad del agua potable (CR Decreto 38924-S) Detalle Paquete Analítico del Reglamento para la Calidad del Agua Potable del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, Decreto 38924-S donde establece los parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos para el agua potable; Nivel Segundo (N2) que corresponde al programa ampliado. ———— Los parámetros (N2): Dureza total*, cloruro*, fluoruro*, sulfato**, aluminio*, calcio*, magnesio*, sodio*, potasio*, hierro*, manganeso*, zinc*, cobre*. ———— Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". "Métodos modificados a partir de Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater : (Fluoruro, Sulfato)" AQT-2055 Programa control avanzado - Nivel 3 reglamento para la calidad del agua potable (CR Decreto 38924-S) Detalle Paquete Analítico del Reglamento para la Calidad del Agua Potable del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, Decreto 38924-S donde establece los parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos para el agua potable; Nivel Segundo (N3) que corresponde al programa de control avanzado. ———— Los parámetros (N3) son: Nitrato**, nitrito*, amonio*, arsénico*, cadmio*, cromo*, níquel*, antimonio*, mercurio**, plomo*, selenio* ———— Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". "Método modificado a partir de Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater : (Nitratos, Nitritos)" "Método modificado a partir de ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology and (Amonio)" AQT-1500 Coliformes totales, fecales, escherichia coli (E.coli) Detalle AQT-1510 Coliformes fecales, E.coli Detalle AQT-0080 Concentración de iones hidrógeno - pH* Detalle AQT-0090 Conductividad eléctrica* Detalle AQT-0450 Temperatura* Detalle AQT-0470 Turbiedad* Detalle AQT-0380 Sólidos disueltos* Detalle AguaPotable
- Análisis de Agua Potable | Agrotec Laboratorios Analíticos | Costa Rica
Drinking Water Analysis Ensure the Quality of Your Drinking Water with Our Professional Services Free Consultation Accurate and Comprehensive Analysis to Ensure Safe and Healthy Water Call Us Today: +506 4040-0390 | Email Us: Our team of professionals ensures that you comply with all legal requirements for sampling, analysis and reporting; compliance withRegulation for the Quality of Drinking Water (Decree No. 38924-S) We contact you AQT-2000 Análisis completo de agua potable N1, N2, N3. Detalle Paquete Analítico del Reglamento para la Calidad del Agua Potable del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, Decreto 38924-S donde establece los parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos para el agua potable; Nivel Primero (N1), Nivel Segundo (N2) y Nivel Tercero (N3) que corresponde al análisis completo. ——————————————— Parámetros AQT-2000 (N1): Color aparente*, turbidez*, olor*, temperatura*, concentración de iones hidrógeno (pH)*, conductividad eléctrica*, cloro residual libre*, cloro residual y combinado*, coliformes fecales y Escherichia coli. (N2): Dureza total*, cloruro*, fluoruro*, sulfato**, aluminio*, calcio*, magnesio*, sodio*, potasio*, hierro*, manganeso*, zinc*, cobre*. (N3): Nitrato**, nitrito*, amonio*, arsénico*, cadmio*, cromo*, níquel*, antimonio*, mercurio**, plomo*, selenio*. ——————————————— Métodos de referencia: "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". "Métodos modificados a partir de Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater : (Cloro Libre y Total, Color, Nitrato, Nitritos Fluoruro, Sulfato)" "Métodos modificados a partir de ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology: (Amonio)" AQT-2025 Control operativo - reglamento para la calidad del agua potable (CR Decreto 38924-S) Detalle Mediciones periódicas que le corresponde a los entes operadores en cada fuente o en la mezcla de todas las fuentes y red de distribución. Debe llevar el control mediante una bitácora. Los valores de alerta y máximos admisibles se indican en el cuadro 1 del anexo 1 del decreto 38924-S. La frecuencia de muestreo y número de muestras a recolectar para los análisis físico-químicos, se indican en el cuadro B.1 del anexo 2 del mismo reglamento. ———— Los parámetros: turbiedad*, olor*, cloro residual (libre o total)* ———— Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". "Método modificado a partir de Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater : (Cloro libre y total)" AQT-2030 Programa control básico - Nivel 1 reglamento para la calidad del agua potable (CR Decreto 38924-S) Detalle Paquete Analítico del Reglamento para la Calidad del Agua Potable del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, Decreto 38924-S donde establece los parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos para el agua potable; Nivel Primero (N1) que corresponde al programa de control básico ———— Los parámetros: color *, conductividad*, pH*, olor*, temperatura*, turbiedad*, coliformes fecales*, Escherichia coli*, y Cloro residual libre o combinado*. ———— Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". "Método modificado a partir de Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater : (Cloro libre y total)" AQT-2045 Programa control ampliado - Nivel 2 reglamento para la calidad del agua potable (CR Decreto 38924-S) Detalle Paquete Analítico del Reglamento para la Calidad del Agua Potable del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, Decreto 38924-S donde establece los parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos para el agua potable; Nivel Segundo (N2) que corresponde al programa ampliado. ———— Los parámetros (N2): Dureza total*, cloruro*, fluoruro*, sulfato**, aluminio*, calcio*, magnesio*, sodio*, potasio*, hierro*, manganeso*, zinc*, cobre*. ———— Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". "Métodos modificados a partir de Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater : (Fluoruro, Sulfato)" AQT-2055 Programa control avanzado - Nivel 3 reglamento para la calidad del agua potable (CR Decreto 38924-S) Detalle Paquete Analítico del Reglamento para la Calidad del Agua Potable del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, Decreto 38924-S donde establece los parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos para el agua potable; Nivel Segundo (N3) que corresponde al programa de control avanzado. ———— Los parámetros (N3) son: Nitrato**, nitrito*, amonio*, arsénico*, cadmio*, cromo*, níquel*, antimonio*, mercurio**, plomo*, selenio* ———— Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". "Método modificado a partir de Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater : (Nitratos, Nitritos)" "Método modificado a partir de ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology and (Amonio)" AQT-1500 Coliformes totales, fecales, escherichia coli (E.coli) Detalle AQT-1510 Coliformes fecales, E.coli Detalle AQT-0080 Concentración de iones hidrógeno - pH* Detalle AQT-0090 Conductividad eléctrica* Detalle AQT-0450 Temperatura* Detalle AQT-0470 Turbiedad* Detalle AQT-0380 Sólidos disueltos* Detalle AguaPotable
- Laboratorio | Agrotec Laboratorios Analíticos | Costa Rica
> We sign with QUALITY everything we do! Read More AGRICULTURAL ----- FOOD Laboratory tests and technical field services helping our clients to produce more efficiently and in harmony with the environment. Read More WASTE ----- POLLUTANTS Quality trajectory, we have an extensive offer of analyzes specialized in measuring pesticides and heavy metals to a wide range of matrices. Read More ENVIRONMENTAL ----- REGULATORY We help our clients improve the environment, meet their environmental obligations, and characterize or remediate contaminated sites. Read More WATER ----- COMPLIANCE Beyond being an analytical laboratory, we stand as a strategic partner empowering water works organizations in their dedicated stewardship. Read More The laboratory that makes the difference Sampling It all starts with sampling . A well-developed sampling design plays a critical role in ensuring that the data is sufficient to draw the necessary conclusions. > Read More Analysis Commitment to analytical quality. Analytical methods, including extraction and cleanup methods, that correspond to the matrix of interest for the level of interest that aligns with decision threshold requirements. > Read More Results Functional analytical results. Our results are based on our clients. Easy-to-understand reports with a support network behind each report. We stand behind all of our analytics. > Read More Technical Advice Technical support throughout the process. Our analyzes are backed up with a wide range of advice and technical support; In addition to having the necessary experience, we support ourselves with computer tools. > Read More Information of interest Exciting News: Expansion of Our ISO 17025 Accreditation! 0 comments 0 Nothing Grows Forever 0 comments 0 Assessing Threats to Costa Rica's Aquifers and Water Security 0 comments 0 Stay informed Our services Agricultural analyzes Pesticide residue analysis Analysis of environmental contaminants Agricultural extension services Investigation services Environmental engineering services Sampling services Inter-laboratory analysis Quality commitment INTE-ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Quality System Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) Union affiliations External commissions China Metrology Accreditation Quality System Commitment to Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) About us Our mission Our vision Our values Our trajectory Our commitment Our people
- Our quality assurance system | Agrotec
Commitment to Quality We are committed to providing the highest level of analytical quality. We use the latest techniques and technologies to provide accurate and reliable information. More than 25 years of analytical innovation We contact you Quality Management System One of the core elements of our laboratories is our Quality Management System committed to guaranteeing the integrity, traceability and value of all results. Agrotec Laboratorios Analíticos meets promised deadlines while creating long-term working relationships with our clients. Agrotec Analytical Laboratories S.A. It has accredited methods in accordance with the INTE-ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Standard; general requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories, as indicated in the scope of accreditation granted by the Costa Rican Accreditation Entity (ECA) outlined in our scope (see ). Accreditation body of our quality management system For more information on the condition of accreditation information at Quality Commitment INTE-ISO/IEC 17025:2017 quality system Technical Aptitude Program (TAP) Scientific Affiliations Professional/Technical Commissions China Metrology Accreditation Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) Our Quality Declaration Business commitment; total quality Accreditation Certificate No. LE-029 Certificate No. LE-029 ISO 17025:2017 Scope of Accreditation No. LE-029 INTE-ISO/IEC 17025:2017 Exciting News: Expansion of Our ISO 17025 Accreditation! Agrotec Laboratorios Analíticos expands its ISO 17025 accreditation, reaffirming our commitment to excellence and sustainability. Nothing Grows Forever Explore the impact of Costa Rica's pioneering efforts to prioritize the environment over economic growth for its people. Assessing Threats to Costa Rica's Aquifers and Water Security The historical situation of the growing dilemma of Costa Rica's aquifers and the imminent threat of contamination of drinking water... Costa Rica's Water Crisis: A Nation at Risk Costa Rica, renowned for its lush rainforests and abundant natural resources, faces a looming threat: the contamination and depletion of... Contaminated Drinking Water in San José Central Valley: Urgent Concerns and Complex Challenges Costa Rica's San José Central Valley is grappling with a pressing issue – the contamination of drinking water in certain districts,... We are Ecological Blue Flag in the “Climate Change” category Our company, Agrotec Laboratorios Analíticos, has been awarded by the Ecological Blue Flag Program (PBAE) in the Climate Change category,... Calculation of cation exchange capacity and percent base saturation CEC es un término utilizado para describir la capacidad de retención de un suelo particular para elementos con cargas positivas. How to understand your tissue analysis report element by element Explicación de los elementos esenciales y el reporte de análisis. Why we need sampling theory Without representative sampling, measurement uncertainty is compromised. Here, we present the current debate between Sampling Theory... The science behind brewing the perfect cup of coffee Coffee, a cherished daily beverage, is a complex interplay of art, ritual, and science. Agrotec: Elevating Laboratory Standards Through GLP Compliance Introduction In the realm of scientific research and analysis, precision and reliability are paramount. Agrotec, a leading name in the... Precision and excellence: Agrotec's CMA-certified laboratory sets the standard Agrotec exemplifies an unwavering global commitment to uncompromising quality standards in its agricultural and environmental analysis... The principles and benefits of regenerative agriculture Regenerative agriculture is a new approach to agricultural sciences that aims to change the paradigm of conventional farming methods. It... Soil Health: Moving Beyond Conventional Agriculture Soil health is an emerging concept in soil fertility How companies use carbon offsetting to hit emissions goals Step 1: Offsetting project set up The establishment of a project to lessen global warming. Many are avoided-emissions projects, which do...
- Accreditation certificate | Agrotec
Accreditation Certificate No. LE-029 > Back
- Our company at a glance | Agrotec
Our Company No matter how much we have grown, we always remain deeply rooted in our purpose, values, and principals. We contact you More than 25 years of analytical innovation Who we are at a glance Agrotec Laboratorios Analíticos is a regional leader in scientific management, offering a wide range of laboratory analysis services and technical-scientific consulting. We are trusted advisors to the most significant private and public enterprises and institutions in the region, providing expertise on laboratory analysis, sample collection, and earth sciences. Our commitment to sustainability is grounded in three pillars: environmental protection, social responsibility, and economic viability. We prioritize environmental stewardship by providing specialized water analysis services to vulnerable communities, ensuring access to safe and clean water. With a team of highly skilled professionals and state-of-the-art laboratory facilities, Agrotec excels in delivering accurate and reliable results. Our services encompass environmental monitoring, agricultural testing, and comprehensive earth sciences consulting, tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. At Agrotec, we are dedicated to fostering a sustainable future through our expertise and unwavering dedication to the well-being of both our clients and the communities we serve. Join us in our mission to protect the environment, support vulnerable communities, and promote sustainable practices. Get in Touch Contact us today to learn more about how Agrotec Laboratorios Analíticos can support your scientific and environmental needs. Together, we can build a healthier, more sustainable future. Get in Touch > Our mission Our mission at Agrotec Analytical Laboratories is our commitment to provide the best technical service and laboratory analysis to researchers, advisers, regulators, inspectors and producers. We do this by sustaining profitable growth through superiority in: customer service, innovation, quality and commitment. This commitment is complemented by an extensive quality control program, highly qualified personnel and access to the most modern and precise laboratory equipment; All of this enables producers and commercial suppliers to exceed limits, as well as to improve the management practices of their operations in order to increase productivity for the benefit of the success of their companies. AGR mision Our values Agrotec Analytical Laboratories has been built on the basic values of honesty, integrity, fairness and loyalty to employees, customers, suppliers and other associates. The organization's corporate culture provides opportunities for growth and development for all employees committed to fulfilling the business mission. The following are the key points: 1. Agrotec promotes an environment customer focused : dedication to customer service and satisfaction. 2. In the company we recognize that the most valuable asset is the employee : supporting and investing in open communications, information sharing, employee involvement, empowerment and training in an environment of goodwill and trust. 3. Above all we encourage the mutual respect : treat others as we would like to be treated. 4. We only accept the highest standard of ethics and integrity : always do what is right for the client and the Company. 5. We believe in a constant effort of continuous improvement : We use best practices to achieve the greatest efficiency and effectiveness. 6. We keep a team approach : we work together to solve problems, improve processes and build the future in an environment of trust and respect. 7. We stimulate the empowerment : we accept responsibility and authority to act and make decisions in our areas of responsibility. We always take responsibility for the customer. 8. Have professional pride in everything you do: we sign our work with excellence. AGR values Our commitment The basis of our business commitment is honesty, sincerity and understanding with suppliers, employees, customers and human beings in general. When we say us, it is not just us Agrotec, it is all of us. It is about our customers, partners, community members, investors, employees, collaborators, associates and friends. All of them support our efforts to transform, improve, and lead laboratory analysis services and scientific technical support services. The “collaborators” are an integral part of our actions. They are our partners, end users and customers. They are the people from whom requirements are drawn, influence the designs and delivery of our offer, and ultimately the people who reap the benefits of crowdsourced contributions. There are different types of "collaborators" and each type is contemplated and considered in everything we do. AGR compromiso
- Caficultores | Agrotec
coffee farmers Soil Chemical Analysis [SQ-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 Quality System {SQ-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SQ-003] Union affiliations [SQ-004] External commissions [SQ-005} CMA (Accreditation) quality system [SQ-006] GLP Commitment (GLP) Soil Physical Analysis [SF-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 quality system {SF-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SF-003] Union affiliations Quality commitment [SQ-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 Quality System {SQ-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SQ-003] Union affiliations [SQ-004] External commissions [SQ-005} CMA (Accreditation) quality system [SQ-006] GLP Commitment (GLP) Agrotec Analytical Laboratories offers a complete range of analyzes and services that allow producers, agronomists, consultants, exporters and agricultural researchers to obtain the necessary data and references to ensure a high and effective yield in their production; Likewise, these services provide them with the necessary weapons to combat and solve nutritional problems and diseases of their crops. The services to agricultural producers provided by Agrotec Analytical Laboratories are: Soil chemical analysis Physical analysis of soils Microbiological soil analysis Chemical analysis of substrates and culture media Physical analysis of substrates and culture media Leaf chemical analysis nematological analysis Phytopathological tests Chemical analysis of fertilizers and amendments Chemical analysis of manure, sludge and compost Water analysis
- Productores de Banano | Agrotec
Banana Producers Soil Chemical Analysis [SQ-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 Quality System {SQ-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SQ-003] Union affiliations [SQ-004] External commissions [SQ-005} CMA (Accreditation) quality system [SQ-006] GLP Commitment (GLP) Soil Physical Analysis [SF-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 quality system {SF-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SF-003] Union affiliations Quality commitment [SQ-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 Quality System {SQ-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SQ-003] Union affiliations [SQ-004] External commissions [SQ-005} CMA (Accreditation) quality system [SQ-006] GLP Commitment (GLP) Agrotec Analytical Laboratories offers a complete range of analyzes and services that allow producers, agronomists, consultants, exporters and agricultural researchers to obtain the necessary data and references to ensure a high and effective yield in their production; Likewise, these services provide them with the necessary weapons to combat and solve nutritional problems and diseases of their crops. The services to agricultural producers provided by Agrotec Analytical Laboratories are: Soil chemical analysis Physical analysis of soils Microbiological soil analysis Chemical analysis of substrates and culture media Physical analysis of substrates and culture media Leaf chemical analysis nematological analysis Phytopathological tests Chemical analysis of fertilizers and amendments Chemical analysis of manure, sludge and compost Water analysis