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  • Análisis de Agua Potable | Agrotec Laboratorios Analíticos | Costa Rica

    Drinking Water Analysis Security and Knowledge Contaminated water can transmit diseases such as diarrhoea, cholera, dysentery, typhoid fever and polio. Contaminated drinking water is estimated to cause more than 485K deaths from diarrhea each year. By 2025, half of the world's population will live in areas with water scarcity. Compliance and Experience We bundle decades of water testing knowledge into one powerful global community. Our customer and technical support teams provide easy answers and easy ways to connect with experts on the topic of drinking water. Trust and Service Our service programs have been developed to help customers solve their analysis, maintenance and support problems. We have programs to fit the unique challenges facing drinking water networks. Our team of professionals ensures that you comply with all legal requirements for sampling, analysis and reporting; compliance withRegulation for the Quality of Drinking Water (Decree No. 38924-S) We contact you AQT-2000 Análisis completo de agua potable N1, N2, N3. Detail Paquete Analítico del Reglamento para la Calidad del Agua Potable del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, Decreto 38924-S donde establece los parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos para el agua potable; Nivel Primero (N1), Nivel Segundo (N2) y Nivel Tercero (N3) que corresponde al análisis completo. ——————————————— Parámetros AQT-2000 Conductividad*, pH*, Temperatura*, Turbiedad*, , aluminio*, calcio*, cloruro*, cobre*, dureza total*, hierro*, magnesio*, manganeso*, plomo*, potasio*, sodio*, zinc*, antimonio*, arsénico*, cadmio*, cianuro**, cromo*, níquel*, y selenio*. Color aparente**, olor**, sabor, coliformes fecales**, Escherichia coli**, y cloro residual libre o combinado**, fluoruro**, nitrato**, nitrito**, amonio**, sulfato**,mercurio**. ——————————————— Métodos de referencia: "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". "Hanna Instruments basado en Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater : (Color, Nitrato, Fluoruro, Sulfato)" "Hanna Instruments basado en ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology and EPA: (Nitritos, Amonio)" AQT-2025 Control operativo - reglamento para la calidad del agua potable (CR Decreto 38924-S) Detail Mediciones periódicas que le corresponde a los entes operadores en cada fuente o en la mezcla de todas las fuentes y red de distribución. Debe llevar el control mediante una bitácora. Los valores de alerta y máximos admisibles se indican en el cuadro 1 del anexo 1 del decreto 38924-S. La frecuencia de muestreo y número de muestras a recolectar para los análisis físico-químicos, se indican en el cuadro B.1 del anexo 2 del mismo reglamento. ———— Los parámetros: turbiedad*, olor**, sabor**, cloro residual (libre o total)** ———— Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". AQT-2030 Programa control básico - Nivel 1 reglamento para la calidad del agua potable (CR Decreto 38924-S) Detail Paquete Analítico del Reglamento para la Calidad del Agua Potable del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, Decreto 38924-S donde establece los parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos para el agua potable; Nivel Primero (N1) que corresponde al programa de control básico ———— Los parámetros: color aparente**, conductividad*, pH*, olor**, sabor**, temperatura*, turbiedad*, coliformes fecales**, Escherichia coli**, y cloro residual libre o combinado**. ———— Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". AQT-2045 Programa control ampliado - Nivel 2 reglamento para la calidad del agua potable (CR Decreto 38924-S) Detail Paquete Analítico del Reglamento para la Calidad del Agua Potable del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, Decreto 38924-S donde establece los parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos para el agua potable; Nivel Segundo (N2) que corresponde al programa ampliado. ———— Los parámetros: aluminio*, calcio*, cloruro*, cobre*, dureza total*, fluoruro**, hierro*, magnesio*, manganeso*, nitrato**, plomo, potasio*, sodio*, sulfato** y zinc*. ———— Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". "Hanna Instruments basado en Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater : (Nitrato, Fluoruro, Sulfato)" AQT-2055 Programa control avanzado - Nivel 3 reglamento para la calidad del agua potable (CR Decreto 38924-S) Detail Paquete Analítico del Reglamento para la Calidad del Agua Potable del Ministerio de Salud de Costa Rica, Decreto 38924-S donde establece los parámetros físicos, químicos y microbiológicos para el agua potable; Nivel Segundo (N3) que corresponde al programa de control avanzado. ———— Los parámetros: amonio**, antimonio*, arsénico*, cadmio*, cianuro**, cromo*, mercurio**, níquel*, nitrito**, y selenio* ———— Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". "Hanna Instruments basado en ASTM Manual of Water and Environmental Technology and EPA: (Nitritos, Amonio)" AQT-1500 Coliformes totales, fecales, escherichia coli (E.coli) Detail ​ AQT-1510 Coliformes fecales, E.coli Detail ​ AQT-0080 Concentración de iones hidrógeno - pH* Detail ​ AQT-0090 Conductividad eléctrica* Detail ​ AQT-0450 Temperatura* Detail ​ AQT-0470 Turbiedad* Detail ​ AQT-0380 Sólidos disueltos* Detail ​ AguaPotable

  • Ensayos Contaminantes Ambientales | Agrotec Laboratorios Analíticos | Costa Rica

    Analysis of environmental contaminants Agrotec Analytical Laboratories is an ISO 17025 accredited testing laboratory that offers one of the most complete pesticide residue testing and analysis services in Central America. Using state-of-the-art analytical equipment, Agrotec performs pesticide residue analysis quickly and accurately. Implicit in the cost of service is access to our team of experts and laboratory personnel who have many years of experience interpreting pesticide residue results and addressing problems that may occur. From annual samples for certification purposes to routine samples for export compliance, Agrotec is the best laboratory of choice for pesticide residue analysis. Analysis Groups Agricultural analyzes Pesticide residue analysis Analysis of environmental contaminants Agricultural extension services investigation services Environmental engineering services Sampling services Inter-laboratory analysis

  • Análisis de Aguas Residuales | Agrotec Laboratorios Analíticos | Costa Rica

    Wastewater Analysis Security and Knowledge Each wastewater treatment plant is unique, with its own capacity, design, processes and equipment, and effluent limits. Every plant faces increasing restrictions and regulations that change or become more stringent over time. Compliance and Experience We bundle decades of water testing knowledge into one powerful global community. Our customer and technical support teams provide easy answers and easy ways to connect with wastewater experts. Trust and Service Our service programs have been developed to help customers solve their analysis, maintenance and support problems. We have programs to fit the unique challenges wastewater system operators face in their operations. Our team of professionals ensures that you comply with all legal requirements for sampling, analysis and reporting; compliance withRegulation of Discharge and Reuse of Residual Water (decree No. 33601 MINAE-S) We contact you AQT-2060 Análisis obligatorio en aguas residuales de tipo ordinario y especial sin SAAM - Reglamento de Vertido y Reuso de Aguas Residuales (CRI Decreto Nº 33601 MINAE-S) Detalle Parámetros fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos universales que deberán ser analizados obligatoriamente en las aguas residual de tipo ordinario y especial en que se viertan en un cuerpo receptor o alcantarillado sanitario en concordancia con el Reglamento de Vertido y Reuso de Aguas Residuales (CRI Decreto Nº 33601 MINAE-S; excluyendo sustancias activas al azul de etileno (SAAM). ———— Los parámetros: demanda bioquímica de oxígeno*, demanda química de oxígeno*, concentración de iones hidrógeno (pH)*, grasas y aceites*, sólidos sedimentables*, sólidos suspendidos totales*, temperatura*. // Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". AQT-2070 Análisis obligatorio en aguas residuales de tipo ordinario y especial - Reglamento de Vertido y Reuso de Aguas Residuales (CRI Decreto Nº 33601 MINAE-S) Detalle Parámetros fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos universales que deberán ser analizados obligatoriamente en las aguas residual de tipo ordinario y especial en que se viertan en un cuerpo receptor o alcantarillado sanitario en concordancia con el Reglamento de Vertido y Reuso de Aguas Residuales (CRI Decreto Nº 33601 MINAE-S. ———— Los parámetros: demanda bioquímica de oxígeno*, demanda química de oxígeno*, concentración de iones hidrógeno (pH)*, grasas y aceites*, sólidos sedimentables*, sólidos suspendidos totales*, sustancias activas al azul de metileno.-SAAM, temperatura*. // Métodos de referencia "Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater". AQT-2080 Análisis obligatorio en aguas residuales de tipo ordinario y especial - Reglamento de Vertido y Reuso de Aguas Residuales (CRI Decreto Nº 33601 MINAE-S) incluyendo el muestreo (2 horas). Detalle Parámetros fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos universales que deberán ser analizados obligatoriamente en las aguas residual de tipo ordinario y especial en que se viertan en un cuerpo receptor o alcantarillado sanitario en concordancia con el Reglamento de Vertido y Reuso de Aguas Residuales (CRI Decreto Nº 33601 MINAE-S; incluye el muestreo (dos horas). ———— Los parámetros: caudal*, demanda bioquímica de oxígeno*, demanda química de oxígeno*, concentración de iones hidrógeno (pH)*, grasas y aceites*, sólidos sedimentables*, sólidos suspendidos totales*, sustancias activas al azul de metileno.-SAAM, temperatura*. // Métodos de referencia ""Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater""." AQT-2090 Análisis obligatorio en aguas residuales de tipo ordinario y especial - Reglamento de Vertido y Reuso de Aguas Residuales (CRI Decreto Nº 33601 MINAE-S) incluyendo el muestreo (2 horas) y la confección del reporte operacional. Detalle Parámetros fisicoquímicos y microbiológicos universales que deberán ser analizados obligatoriamente en las aguas residual de tipo ordinario y especial en que se viertan en un cuerpo receptor o alcantarillado sanitario en concordancia con el Reglamento de Vertido y Reuso de Aguas Residuales (CRI Decreto Nº 33601 MINAE-S; incluye el muestreo (dos horas) y la confección del reporte operacional. ———— Los parámetros: caudal*, demanda bioquímica de oxígeno*, demanda química de oxígeno*, concentración de iones hidrógeno (pH)*, grasas y aceites*, sólidos sedimentables*, sólidos suspendidos totales*, sustancias activas al azul de metileno.-SAAM, temperatura*. // Métodos de referencia ""Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater""." AQT-0100 Demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (soluble) Detalle ​ AQT-0110 Demanda bioquímica de oxígeno (DBO5,20)* Detalle ​ AQT-0120 Demanda química de oxígeno (soluble) Detalle ​ AQT-0130 Demanda química de oxígeno (DQO)* Detalle ​ AQT-0080 Concentración de iones hidrógeno (pH)* Detalle ​ AQT-0210 Grasas y aceites (GyA)* Detalle ​ AQT-0390 Sólidos sedimentables (SSed)* Detalle ​ AQT-0400 Sólidos suspendidos totales (SST)* Detalle ​ AguaResidual

  • Productores de Banano | Agrotec

    Banana Producers Soil Chemical Analysis [SQ-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 Quality System {SQ-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SQ-003] Union affiliations [SQ-004] External commissions [SQ-005} CMA (Accreditation) quality system [SQ-006] GLP Commitment (GLP) Soil Physical Analysis [SF-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 quality system {SF-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SF-003] Union affiliations Quality commitment [SQ-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 Quality System {SQ-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SQ-003] Union affiliations [SQ-004] External commissions [SQ-005} CMA (Accreditation) quality system [SQ-006] GLP Commitment (GLP) Agrotec Analytical Laboratories offers a complete range of analyzes and services that allow producers, agronomists, consultants, exporters and agricultural researchers to obtain the necessary data and references to ensure a high and effective yield in their production; Likewise, these services provide them with the necessary weapons to combat and solve nutritional problems and diseases of their crops. ​ The services to agricultural producers provided by Agrotec Analytical Laboratories are: ​ Soil chemical analysis Physical analysis of soils Microbiological soil analysis Chemical analysis of substrates and culture media Physical analysis of substrates and culture media Leaf chemical analysis nematological analysis Phytopathological tests Chemical analysis of fertilizers and amendments Chemical analysis of manure, sludge and compost Water analysis

  • Productores de Piña | Agrotec

    Pineapple Producers Soil Physical Analysis [SF-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 quality system {SF-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SF-003] Union affiliations Our team of professionals ensures that you comply with all legal requirements for sampling, analysis and reporting; compliance withRegulation of Discharge and Reuse of Residual Water (Decree No. 33601 MINAE-S) We contact you Agrotec Analytical Laboratories offers a complete range of analyzes and services that allow producers, agronomists, consultants, exporters and agricultural researchers to obtain the necessary data and references to ensure a high and effective yield in their production; Likewise, these services provide them with the necessary weapons to combat and solve nutritional problems and diseases of their crops. ​ The services to agricultural producers provided by Agrotec Analytical Laboratories are: ​ Soil chemical analysis Physical analysis of soils Microbiological soil analysis Chemical analysis of substrates and culture media Physical analysis of substrates and culture media Leaf chemical analysis nematological analysis Phytopathological tests Chemical analysis of fertilizers and amendments Chemical analysis of manure, sludge and compost Water analysis

  • CONTACTENOS | Agrotec Laboratorios Analíticos | Costa Rica

    Contact Us Our location Radial Lindora, from Puente del Virilla, 100 N. 300 W. Ofibodegas de Oeste Local #13 20108 San Rafael, Alajuela Costa Rica Phone: +506 4040-0390 ​ WhatsApp: +506 6034-4734 Thank you! Message sent. Send

  • Productores de Tabaco | Agrotec

    Tobacco Producers Soil Chemical Analysis [SQ-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 Quality System {SQ-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SQ-003] Union affiliations [SQ-004] External commissions [SQ-005} CMA (Accreditation) quality system [SQ-006] GLP Commitment (GLP) Soil Physical Analysis [SF-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 quality system {SF-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SF-003] Union affiliations Quality commitment [SQ-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 Quality System {SQ-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SQ-003] Union affiliations [SQ-004] External commissions [SQ-005} CMA (Accreditation) quality system [SQ-006] GLP Commitment (GLP) Agrotec Analytical Laboratories offers a complete range of analyzes and services that allow producers, agronomists, consultants, exporters and agricultural researchers to obtain the necessary data and references to ensure a high and effective yield in their production; Likewise, these services provide them with the necessary weapons to combat and solve nutritional problems and diseases of their crops. ​ The services to agricultural producers provided by Agrotec Analytical Laboratories are: ​ Soil chemical analysis Physical analysis of soils Microbiological soil analysis Chemical analysis of substrates and culture media Physical analysis of substrates and culture media Leaf chemical analysis nematological analysis Phytopathological tests Chemical analysis of fertilizers and amendments Chemical analysis of manure, sludge and compost Water analysis

  • Canchas Deportivas y Recreativas | Agrotec

    Sports and Recreational Courts Soil Chemical Analysis [SQ-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 Quality System {SQ-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SQ-003] Union affiliations [SQ-004] External commissions [SQ-005} CMA (Accreditation) quality system [SQ-006] GLP Commitment (GLP) Soil Physical Analysis [SF-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 quality system {SF-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SF-003] Union affiliations Quality commitment [SQ-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 Quality System {SQ-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SQ-003] Union affiliations [SQ-004] External commissions [SQ-005} CMA (Accreditation) quality system [SQ-006] GLP Commitment (GLP) Agrotec Analytical Laboratories offers a complete range of analyzes and services that allow producers, agronomists, consultants, exporters and agricultural researchers to obtain the necessary data and references to ensure a high and effective yield in their production; Likewise, these services provide them with the necessary weapons to combat and solve nutritional problems and diseases of their crops. ​ The services to agricultural producers provided by Agrotec Analytical Laboratories are: ​ Soil chemical analysis Physical analysis of soils Microbiological soil analysis Chemical analysis of substrates and culture media Physical analysis of substrates and culture media Leaf chemical analysis nematological analysis Phytopathological tests Chemical analysis of fertilizers and amendments Chemical analysis of manure, sludge and compost Water analysis

  • Caficultores | Agrotec

    coffee farmers Soil Chemical Analysis [SQ-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 Quality System {SQ-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SQ-003] Union affiliations [SQ-004] External commissions [SQ-005} CMA (Accreditation) quality system [SQ-006] GLP Commitment (GLP) Soil Physical Analysis [SF-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 quality system {SF-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SF-003] Union affiliations Quality commitment [SQ-001] INTE-ISO/IEC 17025 Quality System {SQ-002] Technical Aptitude Program (PAT) [SQ-003] Union affiliations [SQ-004] External commissions [SQ-005} CMA (Accreditation) quality system [SQ-006] GLP Commitment (GLP) Agrotec Analytical Laboratories offers a complete range of analyzes and services that allow producers, agronomists, consultants, exporters and agricultural researchers to obtain the necessary data and references to ensure a high and effective yield in their production; Likewise, these services provide them with the necessary weapons to combat and solve nutritional problems and diseases of their crops. ​ The services to agricultural producers provided by Agrotec Analytical Laboratories are: ​ Soil chemical analysis Physical analysis of soils Microbiological soil analysis Chemical analysis of substrates and culture media Physical analysis of substrates and culture media Leaf chemical analysis nematological analysis Phytopathological tests Chemical analysis of fertilizers and amendments Chemical analysis of manure, sludge and compost Water analysis

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